About Us

The heart behind Be Fruitful Apparel is that each and every person was created with the purpose of being fruitful. When God created Adam and Eve in the garden, the first thing he told them was to be fruitful and multiply. We believe that God was not just referring to procreation but to life as a whole and even more specifically, BUSINESS!
Understandably, some might believe that this assignment was forfeited when they sinned and ate the forbidden fruit, but God's mercy and grace empowered us to continue. When Noah and his family left the ark after the flood subsided, guess what God's first instructions were to them... BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY! From there, Noah and his family began to not only repopulate the earth but they also replenished the earth through their agriculture business. NOAH WAS AN ENTREPRENEUR! Just as Noah was fruitful in his agriculture business, we are called to be fruitful in our business endeavors.